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Do you want to start a new life in New Zealand?

The NZ border is open, and the country is looking for teachers like you!

Do you know that…

  • Among the OECD countries, New Zealand is one the countries that spend the highest proportion of its gross domestic product (GDP) on education.
  • New Zealand ranked third out of 50 leading countries in The Economist’s 2019 Worldwide Educating for the Future Index (WEFFI). NZ received top scores for measures such as gender equality, civic freedom, and diversity and tolerance.
  • All eight universities in New Zealand are ranked in the top 500 universities worldwide — and five are in the top 300.
  • New Zealand has a shortage of teachers at all levels.
  • Foreign-trained teachers are a key part of government efforts to close the gaps with many education roles on Immigration New Zealand's (INZ) fast-tracked Residency Green list.

By completing this free Eligibility Assessment, we can advise whether you are eligible to move to New Zealand and, if so, under which visa category.

Or you can contact us by filling out the form below

Enquiry Form


Visa Categories

Accredited Employer Work Visa

The AEWV makes it easier for New Zealand businesses to fill positions and employ the right people. To get accreditation, employers must meet specific criteria, e.g., to show that they are financially viable and have a credible plan in place to stay viable. This will give applicants more confidence that they will work for a solid company and earn a market-related salary. It also gives them a sense of certainty about the visa process and the employment they will be undertaking in New Zealand.

Skilled Migrant Category Visa

This is one of the most popular ways to move to New Zealand.

The system is points-based; if you score above 180 points, you will be able to apply for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category.

* One of our core services is to help clients prepare for the New Zealand job market.

Spouse/Partner/Dependent children visa

Contact us for more details

We have helped thousands of families to achieve their dream of a new life in New Zealand and want to do the same for you. Start your journey by completing the FREE Eligibility Assessment now